At the heart of it: Your website
Does your website need a revamp, or do you need a website in the first place? Let me do that for you!
I have many years of experience with sites like the one of the Skerries Community Association, which I set up, on a voluntary basis.
I also am the web master for the Fingal Poetry Festival.
Helping individuals, groups, organisations and businesses in Skerries and environs to connect with current and future members, clients, customers, supporters…
Hi! I’m Sabine McKenna and am ready to help you with all kinds of things like website design and management, Facebook pages, Eventbrite events, hosting Zoom webinars and more.
My focus is on creating close connections, and that is what you can expect from!
You’ll get personal support locally from someone who has years of experience in public relations, web design, online-presence management and various social media platforms – and has been part of the Skerries community since she moved here in the early 2000s.
You’ll find working with simple and uncomplicated. I am reliable and always responsive to your changing needs. can help you in many different ways…
Then there is all the rest of your online presence
The busier we are with our work – be it voluntary or business – the less time we seem to have for creating and sustaining close connections with those who matter. At the same time, there are fantastic channels available to help us do this. This is why it makes sense to seek help with communications and get started now.
- Sometimes, the old ways are best … Let us help you with an email newsletter, or even a printed letter, flyer or leaflet!
- We can help to make sure you’re visible on the internet: Can people easily find you when they search for you online?
- Let us help you connect with those who are interested in what you do – on the platforms where they are: Do you have a Facebook / Instagram / Twitter presence? If yes, are you making most of it? Or are you investing time and possibly money in the wrong social media platforms? Not everyone needs to be everywhere!
- We can help with the many review sites, opt-in listings etc available online now. Are you where you should be? Are you responding the right way to reviews and comments?
- We can optimise your automatic and free listings: How do you show up in Google Maps, for example? Did you know you can shape your appearance there?
Talk to us and see how we can help you!
Send an email to Sabine,, or a WhatsApp or SMS to 086 0597348 and we will be in touch to arrange a first meeting. All first consultations are free!